Metal Clay Projects
Check out all these great projects you can make with metal clay!
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TEXTURE - Learn how to use LinCora Texture Mats to create unique designs
TEXTURE - Adding Borders to your Textured Template Cut Outs
TEXTURE - Low Relief Textures and How to Use Them
CUSTOMIZING - Using Hallmark and Maker Mats to customize your work
MOLDING - Prepping and Using Molds
CONNECTIONS - Paste, Syringe and Clay Connections
REFINING - Best Practices for Refining your Metal Clay
SILVER - How Does Silver Reflect Color, Why is it white???
BASE METALS - Five Star Metal Clay
BASE METALS - Why Base Metals Seem Tricky
BASE METALS - How to use White Bronze
POLISHING - Polishing Tools and How to Use Them
POLISHING - Polishing After Patina to Achieve Antique Look
EARRINGS - One Hour Earrings
EARRINGS - Torch Fired Flower Earrings with my friend Francesca
BRACELET - Spiral Linked Bracelet
BRACELET - Weaving a Leather Bracelet with Metal Clay Components
RINGS - The basics of a wrap ring using a Stepped Mandrel
RINGS - Wrapped Around Your Finger, Shield Ring
BEACHWEAR - Adorned Ankles
PENDANT - Silver Tree Pendant with UV Resin
GLASS - Firing Glass with Bronze Clay
BEZELS - Setting Small Stones in Bezel Cups
FUSING - Fusing Jumprings
SINTERING - How Does Sintering Work
FOR FUN - Making of the Metal Clay Vest
"Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy."
- Albert Einstein