Ceramic Projects
Check out all these great projects you can make with bisqueware!
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Jungle Gems Mushroom Salt n Pepper Shakers
Summertime Teal Tumblers
Silver Wine Cork
Glaze Effects with Silver Paste - Silver Leaf Votive
Glaze Effects with Silver Paste - Silver Balls Bowl
Cone to Degrees Conversion Chart
- -Glaze will adhere to the kiln shelf. So, either don't glaze the bottom of your work. Or, use a kiln stilt to hold the piece up off the kiln shelf.
- -It takes about 3-4 coats of glaze on your bisqueware to create a solid glaze color.
- -Wipe your bisqueware with a damp sponge before applying glaze.
- -Allow each coat of glaze to dry between coats.
- -When applying metal clay to bisque, use a mixture of equal parts metal clay paste, clear glaze and flux powder paste direcly applied to the bisque. Allow to dry, then apply metal clay over the mixture.
- -When applying metal clay to pre-glazed surfaces, use a mixture of glaze and metal clay paste applied directly to the pre-fired glaze. Allow to dry, then apply metal clay over the mixture.
DRIPS - Apply extra layers of glaze in small areas overlapping each layer. Thick areas will drip down the piece with gravity. Take care not to allow drips on the bottom 1/3 of the piece to reduce the risk of sticking to the kiln shelf.
TRANSPARENT GLAZE - Apply glaze in single coat, or even water down the glaze slightly.
OPAQUE GLAZE - Apply glaze in 3-4 coats and fire in low fire methods.
SPECKLES & SPLATTERS - With a dry, specklying brush, pick up a small amount of watered-down glaze. Use your fingers to gently pull the bristles backwards and spring forward. This will speckle glaze onto your work in small dots. For a heavier dot, use more glaze and flick the brush versus pulling the bristle backwards.
JUNGLE GEMS - Jungle Gem glazes include small chunks of glass frit. The frit melts during firing resulting in spots of fun colors in your glaze. Be sure to shake the jars well before use. Apply the glaze and pieces of frit with intention to the areas you would like spotted color.
GLOSSY AND MATTE - Some glazes come as a matte finish. This is identified on the label. Many can be transformed into gloss finishes by applying a clear gloss glaze as the last layer of glaze.
SILKSCREENS - Cut out each design on the silkscreen for ease of use. Mix a small amount of silkscreen medium into a small amount of glaze (approximately 1 tsp glaze/dash of medium). This will thicken the glaze into a paste. Place the silkscreen on the bisqueware. Use your finger tip to rub the glaze paste into the design of the silkscreen. Be sure to work all areas of the design thoroughly.
BLENDING - Apply glaze in thin, watered down layers. Apply one layer, and while still wet, apply the next color. If glaze drys, rewet to blend further.
OUTLINING - Apply the base color first and allow to dry. Using a liner brush, select a dark color glaze and apply a heavy amount of glaze around your subject.
SPONGING - Dampen a sponge very lightly. Dip the end into a thin layer of glaze and dab onto the bisqueware. Test on a test piece to practice the technique before applying to your finished work.
WIPE OFF RAISED SURFACES - Sponge a layer of glaze onto your piece focusing on the recessed areas. While still damp, use a wet sponge to gently remove the raised areas of your work. Take care to leave enough glaze in the recessed to create your pattern.
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."
- Edgar Degas