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This assortment of grinding and sanding products covers the gamut for all your smoothing and polishing needs. Purchased separately, the items in this set would cost $218. Get the ultimate tools and value!
Flexible Diamond Pads, Round Corners: B2, B5
- 2.5" X 2.5" flexible foam-backed pads with diamond grit
- 1/4" foam-backing for ease of use
- Grits: 120 grit (medium) for smoothing, 800 grit (ultra fine) for polishing
- Smooth high-fired clay, glaze, bisque, tile, stone or glass
- Remove a sharp chipped edge
- Smooth the foot or the sides and rim of a ceramic piece
- Diamond grit works faster than sandpaper
- Fewer strokes and less force are required
- Can be used wet or dry (doesn't deteriorate in water)
- Far outlasts sandpaper
- Use all safety precautions
- Keep out of the reach of children
Flexible Diamond Sanding Strip: C3
- 3/4" x 7" flexible diamond grit strip
- Full-flexible cloth-backed diamond sanding strip
- Grit: 200
- Great for smoothing glaze drips or sharp edges
- Works well on high-fired ceramics, tile, stone or glass
- Can also be used to sharpen tools
- Good for smoothing of bisqueware
- Can be used wet or dry
- Highly flexible for getting in tight areas
- Doesn't disintegrate in water like sandpaper
- Lasts much longer than sandpaper
- Requires fewer strokes and less force than sandpaper
- Use all safety precautions
- Keep out of the reach of children
Diamond File: J12
- 200 grit (fine) for smoothing
- 400 grit (extra fine) for smoothing
- Full file size is 6.25 inches by 1/4 inches
- Made of beautiful hardwood in the US
- Wood grain may vary
- Smooth high-fired clay, glaze, bisque, tile, stone or glass
- Remove a sharp chipped edge
- Smooth the foot or the sides and rim of a ceramic piece
- Diamond grit works faster than sandpaper
- Fewer strokes and less force are required
- Can be used wet or dry (doesn't deteriorate in water)
- Use all safety precautions
- Keep out of the reach of children
Diamond Sandpaper: M6
- 1500 grit (ultra fine) for smoothing
- Diamond sanding surface on flexible rubber backing
- This diamond grit sandpaper for ceramics is great for smoothing intricate details or tight crevices.
- Works on bone dry, bisque, high-fired clay or glaze, glass, tile, stone
- Perfect for sanding contoured areas
- Removing a sharp edge on a handle, rim or foot
- Diamond grit sandpaper can be used wet or dry
- Extremely flexible for getting in tight areas
- Doesn't disintegrate in water like sandpaper
- Much longer-lasting than sandpaper
- Requires fewer strokes and less force than sandpaper
- Use all safety precautions
- Keep out of the reach of children
8" Diamond Grinding Disc on 12" Bat: F11
- 8" Diamond Grinding Discs — "POTSAVERS" — on 12" bat
- Adhesive-backed metal plate with diamonds fused on
- Diamond grit has a 7000 hardness rating (silicon carbide abrasive is only rated at 2400 hardness)
- Rigid plastic bat has both 9" and 10" bat pin spacing
- 60 grit - coarse - heavy glaze or high-fired clay removal
- Permanently attached to a bat for pottery wheel use
- Remove high-fired glaze drips or high-fired ceramic
- Grind tile, stone or glass
- Level kiln shelf posts and furniture
- Long lifespan if used properly with water
- Dust is controlled with water use
- Lasts longer than silicon carbide
- Multiple grit sizes available
- Faster than silicon carbide
- Faster than sandpaper
- Less fatigue than other sanding methods
- Use all safety precautions
- Always use safety goggles
- Be certain that debris does not get into moist, usable clay
- Carefully clean splash pans to remove all sharp debris
- Always use with water to maximize tool life and control dust
- Do not attempt to force grinding
- Take care to avoid skin removal
- Keep out of the reach of children
Technique note: Always use water, high speed and gentle pressure. "Let the diamonds do the work." Overheating the tool will decrease tool lifespan.